I put people into one of five categories.
Enemy, no relevance, acquaintance, friend, and family. I expect enemies to do what they do.
People of no relevance it doesn't matter to me one way or the other what they say and do.
Acquaintances are where most reside. We know each other, have some degree of respect and interaction, some trust, but I do not put it past them to harm me to better themselves. I do not expect them to be there for me during true times of stress or trouble.
Friends, I have few of. I believe it is a word that is overly used and few qualify to have.
Family is not one based upon the blood you have when born, but is more based upon the blood you are willing to shed with me. Some blood family could easily be within another category.
When people tell me of the hurt caused by someone within their lives. We often discover that this person was in the wrong category. Do not blame the snake for being a snake. Blame the person who tried to treat the snake as something it is not. The problem began with placing them within the wrong category. Choose and place wisely.