F inish It
We have all know that the best way to become fit is to buy the multiple things advertised and seen in the famous and often times non stop infomercials on TV right? Even the Wii Fit, PS3/4/25, and Xbox have fitness games to get you fit. Fancy watches tell you how far you have, phones entertain you while you exercise. Shaun T will dance with you, Tony Little will preach about his Gazelle, Tony Horton has his P90Xxxx’s and 10 minute trainer. Jillian Michaels tells you to be loser by losing weight with her and the show she use to star in “America’s Biggest Loser. We see elliptical machines reinvented daily. Ab Roller”, “Ab Lounge”, “Ab Rocket”, “Ab Swing” “Ab Coaster”, and Absolutely everything else you can dream of that will tell you it is as easy to lose the weight as it was for you putting it on!
Guys want the lean Bruce Lee physique and ladies want the sexy Jillian Michaels look, so we buy everything that we can find. As long as it is easy and fast. When all we need to do to be fit is Guys want the lean Bruce Lee physique and ladies want the sexy Jillian Michaels look, so we buy everything that we can find. As long as it is easy and fast. When all we need to do to be fit is Guys want the lean Bruce Lee physique and ladies want the sexy Jillian Michaels look, so we buy everything that we can find. As long as it is easy and fast. When all we need to do to be fit is F inish It!
People have jumped into the various workouts “The 300 Spartan”, “Crossfit”, “Muscle Confusion”, “UFC” & “MMA” workouts, “Kettlebell” workouts, and more, trying to find the “niche” and the “newest” fad that will secretly get them into shape. Celebrities ranging from Chuck Norris and Wesley Snipes tell us that the “Total Gym” will totally get you into shape. World Champion Billy Blanks has seen the benefit of combining several concepts of fitness from isometrics, to plyometrics, to aerobic and anaerobic, to dynamic and static stretching, to martial arts, all within his system of Tae Bo. Nothing against any of these people or their products, to be honest just like you I have thought about purchasing some of these products myself! The difference is that I KNOW that the product alone won’t get me or my clients where we want to be…FIT.
For years I have seen it done at various gyms ranging from “The Y”, "Vasa", “Planet Fitness”, “24 Hour Fitness”, “Lifetime Fitness”, “Villa Sports”, and “Golds”, (just to name a few) where people would show me their NEW and IMPROVED workout. I would ask them “Didn’t you just start a different routine a week or two ago?” And they would reply “Yeah but I saw this one in a magazine, infomercial, or body building.com.” I applaud your eagerness to become fit, but we need to “F…IT” to become fit.
Strength and conditioning coaches and Personal Trainers come out almost daily with the newest and best workouts to get us to buy their products so that we can get to where we say we want to be the fastest and with the least amount of work. Then of course we need to buy several supplements which could cost us hundreds of dollars more.
Now you can ask me “What am I supposed to do?”
***First realize that often times it has taken you years to get yourself in the shape
that you are currently in. Don’t set yourselve up for disappointment and failure by giving yourself a small time frame to get back to size 2, 4, 6, 8, etc. For some of us those sizes simply ARE NOT HEALTHY. That’s right you have heard directly for me. Just because you may be “small” does not mean you are healthy, in shape, or fit.
***Second, stop looking for the next best thing. The sad fact is that there is no lasting quick fix. One thing alone won’t get you the results you say that you want. Sorry, lifting weights alone won’t make you lean. Sorry, the newest dvd informational won’t make you tone by itself. Sorry, the newest book about the newest “diet” won’t get you there on its own. Nope, not even the newest muay thai boxing taekwondo kickboxing bjj aerobatic zumba class will get you there on its own.
***GET HELP! Look lets face it, becoming fit is going to take work. So surround yourself with a knowledgeable, fun, energetic, and great trainer who can also connect you with a group of people on a similar path. I know you are thinking me right? Well, you are right J
“Ok Heather, what steps do I take to get to where I want to be?” That’s Simple! To become FIT simply ““Ok Heather, what steps do I take to get to where I want to be?” That’s Simple! To become FIT simply “F. IT.”! No, F. IT. Probulary isn’t want you think it means, lol. It means ”! No, F. IT. Probulary isn’t want you think it means, lol. It means F inish It! Finish what you may ask? IT! “What is it?” That is it? “What?”, No, not what It? “Huh?” Huh to what? “IT”, EXACTLY! “Exactly What?” IT is what! Ok ok, enough with the Abbott and Costello routine. Lets get down to IT! Our F. IT program exclusively at CFMAF umbrella’s all the programs that we offer. It simply means that we need you to FINISH IT! Finish quitting when things became difficult. Finish finding excuses why NOT to do something and start acknowledging the reasons why you MUST do this with us (your kids, spouse, friends). Finish talking about where you are now and begin focusing upon where we can take you. Finish jumping from one thing to another looking for the quick fix. Finish looking for the short term fix and focus on the long term solution. So Finish IT and begin becoming FIT with us!
We don’t have any one program, we have many that we place together to continue to shock your body into becoming firm, tone, and achieving overall health and fitness. So are you finished with doing nothing or doing what doesn’t work? Are you ready for the steady workouts that give you the long term results? If you are then Finish reading, then and begin dialing 719-237-. Now that you are Finished, Let’s Get Started!