Hearing the clock as it ticks
Seconds into minutes
And I’m left to admit
I’m lonely.
Sometimes still I smile
But inside I’m hurting
And yet all the while
I’m lonely.
I can’t remember exactly when
I lost those most dear to me
The ones I called my friends
I’m lonely.
The trees I see them sway
Families all together
On this Christmas day, but
I’m lonely.
Cots in a tent
Knowing where I am
But not sure why I was sent
I’m lonely.
Please listen to what I say
To you this is something special
To me just another day
I’m lonely.
There are some laying around
Not within a house
We sleep upon the ground
We’re lonely.
In this I do confess
My dream was never to be forgotten
Or to be homeless
I’m lonely.
You celebrate
But we try to forget
You await for present received
We ask “Is this day over yet?”
We’re lonely.
Our uniforms they are too
The war for us it’s over
We still struggle to make it through
We’re lonely.
The fruits we receive are few
Vets like us forgotten
What are we to do
We’re lonely.
When you share your smile
Remember vets like us are lonely
And wish just for a while
To be noticed.
And glance away as if we’re not here
Try to remember we once fought for you
In spite of all our fear.
That is our major wish
To be whole again instead of in pieces
So please remember this
We’re lonely.
We are people too
We want to enjoy this Christmas
Just as much as you.
A smile and hello with warm us
That’s a present we won’t forget
And we thank you for remembering us
Sincerely, your nations Vet.
Isaac Costley